When I planned my wedding to my college sweetheart, I realized I am a wedding planner at heart. I LOVE weddings and all things related. I officially became a certified wedding consultant in the fall of 2005.
I enjoy meeting a bride for the first time and hearing her excitement as she tells me about her big day. I equally enjoy the process of planning with a bride and seeing it all come together.
About me:
- I have a degree in Computer Information Systems Management. At times, I’m such a computer nerd.
- Christmas is my favorite holiday. I am an absolute geek about Christmastime. For me the holiday officially starts a month early.
- I love shoes!
- I'm co-producer of Savvy Soiree Wedding & Event Showcase.
- If I could change one thing about my own wedding, I would have hired someone to help with the planning and wedding day management so that my family, friends, husband and I could’ve focused on relaxing and enjoying.
- I know that my job is done when at the end of the wedding, the bride and groom tell me that they couldn’t have done it without me.

I became a wedding consultant because I love the creative aspect of weddings. I love decorating. To take a bride’s thoughts and make them come true is the best part of my job. When she smiles and I see all of the guests having fun, then I know I have done my job.
About Me:
- I was born and raised in West Columbia.
- I graduated from Brookland-Cayce High School.
- I met my husband in high school and we dated for seven years before tying the knot. We got married on the beach of Pawelys Island on an unforgettable day in 2008.
- As a hobby, I love taking something old and redoing it to make it beautiful again, or taking something so simple and making it the focus.
- My weaknesses are shoes and jewelry. For some reason, I cannot stay away them.